Palexpo is committed to doing business ethically and with integrity, complying with the laws and regulations in force, rejecting any kind of corruption or unfair practices and promoting a culture of responsibility and transparency within our organisation with our partners, customers and suppliers.
Conference and exhibition centres are tools that serve their local communities. The regions where they are located enjoy significant economic benefits. Palexpo has been assessing its economic effects since 2005, based on a model created by two professors at the University of Geneva, and found that several hundreds of millions of francs are poured into the local economy every year.
In 2023, Palexpo contributed CHF 199 million directly to the local economy, with CHF 121 million in indirect benefits, making a total of CHF 320 million. The economic benefits generated by Palexpo’s activities in the Greater Geneva region are in line with our mission and contribute to the area’s local and international reputation.
Our procurement strategy is guided by two fundamental principles: sustainable sourcing and prioritising local suppliers.
In 2023, our zero-miles procurement policy allowed Palexpo to operate with 98% of its supplies sourced from Switzerland and 78% from Geneva.
This commitment to responsible purchasing is essential to remaining a key player in developing the local economy.
Whenever any of our departments issues a call for tenders, we carry out an analysis of the service providers’ sustainable development practices.
Palexpo restaurants are proud to have earned the Genève Région Terre Avenir (GRTA) quality label, a mark of excellence that guarantees the use of high-quality, traceable agricultural products sourced from the Geneva region.
A significant proportion (80%) of the meat served in our restaurants and mobile outlets comes from Swiss farms and our fish is sourced from responsible fisheries accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
The aim of any business is to operate in a way that allows it to flourish for the long term. Rigorous, coherent resource management is part of this objective. Palexpo’s sustainable development policy has helped it increase both its total revenue and revenue per m2 of leased area, while reducing its energy costs and carbon footprint.
This gives Palexpo the means to invest in modernising its facilities in order to remain competitive. The virtuous circle created enables the business to carry out its activities while continuing to minimise its environmental impact per m2. An increasing number of event organisers are prioritising conference and exhibition centres with certified sustainable management credentials.